Road trip photos feature image

15 Photography Hacks For The Best Road Trip Photos

Did you know that in the age of smartphones, we collectively take over 100 billion images every other day, translating to 1.2 trillion photos every year? Of course, many of these photos are likely taken during road trips and adventurous journeys with beautiful sceneries to capture our happy moments.

The best landscape photographers collective freebie

But a road trip is more than an ordinary trip; it’s a blank canvas for making priceless memories and photographing breathtaking moments. However, if you’re like many, you want to capture the best road trip photos. Well, that’s what this guide is all about – it provides you with 15 typical hacks for photography during road trips.

So, whether you’re an avid photographer or simply love documenting life’s appealing moments, these tips will be handy. Read on to find out!

1. Do Your Research

Let’s face it: planning for a road trip, let alone capturing moments, can be challenging, especially if traveling to a new place for the first time. You cannot know what to expect since you don’t know much about the route or destination. For this reason, it’s important to take your time researching.

Road trip in a car
Source: Pixabay

Deep research that considers various road trip aspects will save you from fear-related anxiety. Moreover, researching allows you to learn from others who have been there. For instance, you can check on travel groups on social media platforms like Instagram. Note the good about the trip and scenic places to capture captivating photos.

You also want to consider whether you’ll want to hire or drive your vehicle. Here are some of the factors to help you make an informed decision:

• Distance and duration
• Availability of a suitable vehicle
• Fuel costs
• Maintenance and reliability of own vehicle
• Rental car costs
• Insurance coverage
• Parking and toll fees
• Convenience and comfort
• Road conditions and terrain

You may find hiring a car more reasonable, especially if traveling to a new place. If so, be cautious about the vehicle you hire regarding cost and flexibility, especially if you’ll be camping on a road trip. Hire a camp van with every camping necessity, including camping storage boxes, first aid kits, a map, a compass, and, most importantly, a car tent to rest.

A well-equipped camper lets you stay overnight anywhere you’d want. This gives you more flexibility to capture fascinating photos at the beach or even amazing landscapes, moon, sunrise, or sunset.

2. Consider Your Travel Group

If you’re going for a road trip as a group, one of the least things you’d want is to have different passions and interests because how will you create stunning moments? You need someone who is into photography like you.

They should also look forward to the road trip as much as you do and be ready to participate in the activities. For these reasons, you want to inform them early so that you can assess their opinions and make sure they align with your goals. Besides, some could have better ideas to include in your itinerary.

photo of people standing on a van
Source: Pexels

What’s better, traveling in a group offers safety, shared costs, social interaction, and diverse photographic perspectives. Ultimately, this enriches the adventure while balancing individual creativity and group dynamics.

On the other hand, even if you’re traveling alone, you just have to choose the destination, the time to trip, and the specific areas you want to capture for memories.

3. Have the Right Gear

Besides the camera, you’ll require a few more lenses to facilitate different shots on the road trip. Carrying a single lens may be risky because what if it went faulty? Or isn’t fit to capture the perfect photos on the road trip?

Of course, that will ruin the most incredible moments. That’s why bringing more than one well-functioning lens is critical. But if you still prefer carrying one, ensure it’s a multipurpose lens with a perfect walk-around, convenient level of zoom, and broad landscape angles.

Photographer taking a photo
Source: Pixabay

Secondly, ensure to include a sturdy tripod in the gear. Equally important, the stand should be well constructed because it’s a worthy investment that should serve you long-term. A cheap tripod could be unstable, so it may tip over when there’s wind. Ideally, the tripod should have more weight than the lens and camera combined.

Other items to pack in the gear include:

• Filters
• Tripod
• Camera straps
• Color correction card
• Flash
• Reflectors
• Light kit

4. Framing, Framing, and More Framing

Don’t merely focus on the subject when looking via the viewfinder or LCD screen.
Make sure you run your eyes across the entire picture to ensure you’re not missing anything vital.
Check that the top of a mountain, for example, or your friend’s entire body, is completely within the frame.

Behind the scenes of a camera
Source: Pexels

This isn’t gospel, because having something chopped out of the frame can be beneficial to composition, but you’ll have to decide for yourself.

5. Move Your Feet

Move your feet. This is a piece of the most crucial travel photography advice I can give. Don’t just go into a situation and shoot a shot from where you are.

A camera on the floor
Source: pexels

Instead, stroll about for a while to see if there is an improved perspective or composition. Move closer, move back, walk to the side, consider the focal length of your lens, and so on.
Imagine attempting to photograph the Taj Mahal only to discover that you were 2m to one side of the center, disrupting the flawless symmetry.

6. Ask People for Permission

Travel photography isn’t just about capturing the world’s most spectacular sunsets and stunning architecture.
Travel photography is also about meeting new people. But how can you acquire those wonderful portrait photographs if you’re a little bashful like me?
It’s as simple as asking for permission.

A group taking a road trip photos
Source: pexels

It is courteous and considerate to ask someone for permission to photograph them. Perhaps if you walk to the river’s edge, you’ll be able to integrate some fascinating rocks into the image rather than just water.
Better still, take many vacation photos and fill up those memory cards from the same photo spots so you have plenty of selections to choose from when you come home.

7. Don’t Capture the Scenery Alone

Road trips can be filled with the unique charms of the local foods, amazing architecture, captivating cultures, etc. You want to decorate your gallery with these gems by making them the focal points of your photography.

photographer clicking photo on a hill
Source: pexels

However, don’t miss out when taking photos; including yourself engaging in various activities adds a personal touch.

8. Consider Videography

More than a photo, in today’s digital age, taking videos on your road trips is becoming more accessible and easier than ever. Moreover, with every passing year, there’s a certain improvement in the capturing capabilities, making it possible to make vibrant and sharp videos to look back on.

Setting camera angles for road trip photos
Source: Unsplash

What’s better, most phones and cameras can film a video without requiring any additional component apart from storage space since videos could occupy more space than photos. Videos can capture incredible memories that a photograph could otherwise not capture.

9. Ensure You’re Flexible

It doesn’t matter about your final destination for the road trip; you will often find new aspirations and appealing places along the way. If you feel the urge to overstay in one of those interesting areas to explore more and have fun, why would you have to think twice?

Girl clicking road trip photos
Source: pexels

Remember, as much as you had an initial plan, the baseline goal is to have adventures, have fun, learn, and explore.

Therefore, be flexible in your timeframe and initial agenda to accommodate emerging places of interest. That way, it’s also possible to plan for a future exploration of a specific attractive place you found in detail.

10. Shoot Fast

On top of keeping your camera ready to capture every moment, you also need to be fast to capture incredible moments, especially when the car is moving.

A picture of fast moving train
Source: Pexels

For this reason, you want to activate the burst mode that allows you to snap many shots of an event. With many images, you can later choose the finest ones and delete the unclear ones.

11. Use the Scenic Routes

Exploring scenic routes is undeniably one of the most rewarding ways to capture unforgettable photos on your road trip. Typically, highways and interstates may not offer the best natural vistas, restricting your opportunities for remarkable photographs. On the other hand, opting for scenic routes, while potentially slower than highways, opens up numerous chances for photography.

A scenic photo
Source: pexels

Begin your journey by researching to pinpoint the most picturesque routes available, and choose the path that resonates with your desire to capture the beauty of your surroundings.

12. Start Early

There’s nothing as the ideal time to take photos, but in the case of road trip memory captures, it’s crucial to start capturing early enough. Take advantage of the sunrise, especially for landscape pictures.

a photographer clicking a sunrise photo
Source: pixabay

And so, if you’re traveling far, you may have to spend the previous night near your destination the following day. Better still, you may have to stop and photograph every other time the lighting conditions are okay as long as you travel.

13. Ask for Permission

While out there, you may want to take some shots with the local people, but it can’t be as straight since it’s a foreign land. What if they feel offended? What if they deny the offer? Will they understand? Such are some of the concerns you may have because, in the end, you shouldn’t be rude.

girl clicking road trip photos
Source: pexels

So, what’s the most excellent way to deal with this? Talk to them, ask for directions, compliment their culture, and chat. In general, create a friendly environment before asking for a capture with them.

A good way to achieve this could be by familiarizing yourself with their local language to make friends from there. Even still, some will accept, others will say no, and another group may ask for a favor. Whatever the case, be sure to handle it respectfully and appreciate them for their time.

14. Master the Rule of Thirds

Mastering the rule of thirds is one of the most classic yet basic photography hacks. Through it, your pictures break down into thirds vertically and horizontally, splitting into different sections while balancing compositions even more.

a person holding a phone
Source: Unsplash

Mainly, the rule of thirds helps in framing the images to be more appealing. For example, you can displace a person from the center and position them on either the left or right grid and vice versa, depending on the horizon – it should always be straight.

Now, some of the details to pay attention to in the aspect of the rule of thirds include:

• The key points of interest at grid intersections.
• The balancing elements within the frame.
• The visual harmony.
• Intended depth and perspective.
• The required composition.

15. Keeping Your Memories Safe

Now that you’ve taken the photos, what next? The next crucial step is ensuring the photos are edited to enhance their quality. For this, you can use editing software like Adobe and Canvas.

road trip memories photos
Source: pexels

It’s important to note that some software is not free, and you might need a subscription. Additionally, you need editing skills for the best outcome. So, you might want to consider outsourcing the task to a professional.

Preserving the road trip memories is important to ensure they last long. If you keep them as soft copies, have a backup on the hard drive and cloud storage. This way, you can have peace of mind with your cherished moments safeguarded and easily retrievable.


Every mile brings a fresh story in the realm of road trips and photography, and every frame preserves a treasured memory. More people than ever are drawn to the open road because road vacations are expected to increase in the coming years. With the help of these 15 photography tips, you can turn everyday experiences into unforgettable memories.

Therefore, remember that your camera is more than simply equipment when planning your next adventure. It’s a magic wand that can stop time and capture the beauty of your travels. Happy travels, and may your pictures last for years to come, telling the enthralling tale of your road excursions.

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