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The Genesis of our Blog

cool photography stuff

My name is Kevin Tang and I’m one of the co-founders of PhotoWhoa (cool photography stuff and deals site).

For the past year we’ve been on a mission to help you discover photography products that we think you’ll love.

Our blog will be an extension of that mission. We will be finding the cool photography stuff on the web and sharing it with you guys. That includes tutorials, videos, interviews, and much more.

Also we realize that not every product at PhotoWhoa fits every consumer. On our blog we will be sharing our personal insights about each product that we sell at PhotoWhoa so you have more information to make an informed decision. If we’re selling a retouching software, we’ll show you extra before & afters that our team created using the software. If we’re selling a tutorial, we’ll interview the talented photographer who created the tutorial. Hopefully, this will allow you to make better choices about what product will fit your needs.

But besides just helping you discover awesome photography products, our goal is to help other fellow photographers become amazing at their craft. To that end, we’re going to write and curate amazing informational articles for you absolutely free.

Stay tuned.

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