wedding photography

Wedding Photography Tips & Tricks for Perfectly Captured Memories

Objektiv Wedding Photography

This a guest post by wedding photographer Marina Males.

There are three key considerations to take into account when getting great wedding photographs. These are light, location, and good attitude. These wedding photography tips in the form of infographics go through the little details that you need to know about. And it is also important for wedding photographers to keep in mind, since these tips are what a buying client expects.

Speak to your photographer about the editing of the photographs afterwards and say what you want to get. Make sure to identify the style you want, especially if you are having a themed wedding. Have a look at photographer portfolios online to get some inspiration. Draw up an itinerary of the day, as timing is key when organizing photography, especially with a full bridal party and extended family. Check your travel times to the venue or if you have a specific photography location agreed upon in advance. Think location, location, location. It is important, but be realistic on how long it takes to get there and back, especially if it’s a separate location to your wedding reception.

Red carpets might look great, but on camera they can cause a red glow on the skin, so best to avoid them. Make sure to avoid the sunlight where possible as it can be the cause of you squinting your eyes, get sunburnt and cast shadows on the photographs. When posing for photographs try to smile and relax. Enjoy the day and the time with your new husband or wife. Every bride should get professional hair and makeup on the day but also have a trial run a few weeks before the wedding.

Wedding photography is a hit or miss, and a miss that can create a lot of damage. So practice well with these wedding photography tips.

And remember a wedding is a thing to remember! So, let’s make it one!

Wedding Photography Infographic

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