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21 Flattering Poses For Plus Size Nude Photography

Ever wondered how to create nude photographs that celebrate the beauty of plus-size individuals?This is the guide for you!

In this blog, we’re excited to present flattering poses that embrace body positivity and showcase the unique charm of every person, irrespective of their size.

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So, join us on this journey of embracing diversity and capturing the true essence of beauty in plus size nude photography!

1. The Sitting Beauty Pose

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Find a comfortable spot to sit down, cross your legs or stretch them out, and use your arms to frame your body. Lean slightly forward and maintain a relaxed posture. This pose beautifully accentuates your curves and create stunning results.

2. Covering With Sheets

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If you’re feeling a little shy, you can use strategically placed sheets or fabrics to add an artistic touch to your photos.

This allows you to reveal as much or as little as you’re comfortable with while still creating stunning images.

Looking for free photography resources? Check out this helpful article.

3. Flaunt Your Curves

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Place your hands on your hips or curve them around your waist to accentuate your body’s natural curves and create a natural look.

This pose is all about loving and accepting your body just the way it is.

4. Side Profile Elegance

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Turn to the side to capture your profile. This pose elongates your body, making you appear graceful and elegant.

Learn the intricacies of nude art photography in this ultimate course.

5. The Dreamy Look

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Lie down on a comfortable surface and let your hair fall naturally.

Close your eyes or look away from the camera for a dreamy, ethereal vibe that showcases your inner peace and tranquility.

6. Hands Up, Head High

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Raise your arms above your head, elongating your body and drawing attention to your face. This pose emphasizes your confidence and sense of empowerment.

Get the inspiration you need to shoot awesome low-key bodyscapes in this insider guide.

7. Emphasize Your Assets

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Choose a pose that highlights your favorite body part, whether it’s your curves, legs, or arms. Embrace what makes you feel beautiful and show it off with pride.

8. Back to the Camera

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Turning your back to the camera can create an alluring and mysterious look. This pose also puts the focus on your back and shoulders, which can be an incredibly sensual and beautiful aspect of the body.

9. Sitting Comfortably

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Sit on the edge of a bed or a chair with your legs crossed or spread apart, and your upper body slightly turned towards the camera.

This pose gives a natural and relaxed feel to your photos.

10. Dancing in the Sunlight

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If you’re outdoors, let the sunlight embrace your body as you sway or dance with grace. Natural lighting can create stunning and flattering images.

Want some abstract nude posing inspiration? Check out this useful article.

11. Play with Shadows

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Shadows can be a powerful tool in nude photography.

Use them to your advantage by experimenting with different poses and angles to create intriguing and artistic shots.

12. Mirror, Mirror

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Pose in front of a mirror to capture reflections of your body from various angles. Mirrors can add depth and complexity to your photos.

13. Embrace Nature

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Choose a scenic outdoor location that resonates with you. Let nature become a part of your photo as it symbolizes harmony and connection with the world around you.

14. Kneeling Grace

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Kneel with one knee on the ground and one leg slightly bent, allowing your body to curve gracefully. This pose embodies elegance and strength

Learn the hidden secrets about Bodyscape Photography in this ultimate course.

15. The Relaxed Stance

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One of the most flattering poses is to stand comfortably with your weight evenly distributed. Relax your shoulders and let your arms fall naturally by your sides.

This pose exudes confidence and allows the natural curves of your body to shine.

16. The Over-The-Shoulder Look

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Looking over your shoulder is a simple yet alluring pose. It draws attention to your curves and creates a sense of intrigue in the image.

17. The Back Arch

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Arching your back can accentuate your natural curves and create a striking silhouette. Experiment with this pose to find the right level of arch that flatters your body.

Wondering how to capture nudes of men? Check out these amazing poses.

18. The Candid Shot

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Sometimes, the most flattering and authentic shots come from candid moments. Be yourself, let go of any self-consciousness, and allow the photographer to capture you in your natural element.

19. The Silhouette Shot

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Silhouette shots can be incredibly powerful. Stand in front of a source of light, such as a window or the setting sun, to create a stunning outline of your curves and body shape.

Master nude photography without breaking the bank in this comprehensive course.

20. The Sitting Cross-Legged Pose

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Sitting cross-legged can create a sense of comfort and ease. Use cushions or a textured fabric to add a unique touch to this pose.

21. The Genuine Smile

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Last but not least, a genuine smile is the most flattering pose of all. Let your confidence and self-love shine through, and you’ll create stunning and inspiring images.

Check out some our amazing blogs for nude photography posing inspiration:

Final Words

Plus size nude photography can be a beautiful and empowering way to celebrate body positivity. With these flattering poses, individuals of all shapes and sizes can feel confident and showcase their natural beauty.

Plus size individuals have every reason to celebrate their bodies and feel confident in their skin. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and each pose can bring out the best in you.

Let’s continue to challenge beauty standards and inspire a world that appreciates and celebrates every body, just as it is. You are beautiful, and it’s time to shine!

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