Fashion Shoot on Malibu’s Beach

See An Inspiring BTS Fashion Shoot on Malibu’s Beach

For this BTS Fashion Shoot video, L.A. based fashion photographer Mark Singerman wanted to shoot around the idea of an angel having a dark side. And he chose Malibu as his backdrop for this shoot. If you were an angel with a dark side, would you hide in Malibu? Thinking about it for a bit, I realized it would be a great place to set up base. You could conquer the world from there with a great smile, good luck, and old money.  I guess Singerman is onto something with this shoot.

But what is an angel with a dark side exactly? These things come to mind:  in reverse, it could be sort of like a neighborhood tough whose secretly a foodie, or a drunk with a responsible side, or even a romantic with a business-savvy thirst for more and more money, more and more cars, more and more artificial friends, more and more of influence. Influence now that is an angel with a dark side.

This a pretty cool Behind-the-Scenes video by the way — trust me! There’s nothing better than learning from others.

Mark Singerman Photography (BTS In Malibu) from Morgan M Barajas on Vimeo.

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